Core and More Group Class

RYC®️ inspired Drop-In Movement Classes

Core and More Group classes will combine functional movement exercises, yoga, pilates, and strength training filtered through the Restore Your Core®️ lens, to help you gain confidence in your body, strength in your core, a pelvic floor that is responsive and supportive.

Who is this for?

  • Anyone who wants to gain more whole-body strength, work on alignment, and just wants to move better to feel better.

Saturdays from 8:30-9:30am

at Wellness in Motion Studios

2541 E. College Ave., Suite 104 State College, PA

*Registration through Wellness In Motion

Monday from 8:00-9:00pm

Zoom Only

Please register at least 30 min prior. 

$52/4 classes
$96/8 classes

“I am enjoying the class and getting a lot out of it. I have been really impressed by the analogies you use to get us to understand how the movement should look, but more importantly feel.”

— Emily F.